Through The Years
In The Moment
Happy Birthday Julia
Happy 20th birthday JuliaSaysHi! So happy that you're joining the rest
of us in the 20s club!! Can't wait to make plenty more memories with
you💕 so glad we all had good old Yves Favreau cuz he led us here
today. You deserve the world and more and I love you as much as you
and Maya express your love for Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez. Wishing
you the happiest of birthdays ❤️
Love, Anissa
Happy Birthday Julia! I nose that 20 is gonna be a great year for
you. Party hard cuz nosebody deserves it more than you!
Happy birthday Julia, I'm so sorry I can't make it to your birthday,
I hope u have an amazing year filled with wonderful adventures and
great memories!
Happy 20th birthday Julia! I could write an essay on how great you
are but to sum it up… I can't wait to be haters together till we're
grey and old. Love you!
Happy birthday girly❤️ Who knew sharing your bed with me at
leadership camp would lead to 4 amazing years of friendship. You are
a role model to me. You deserve the world. Hope 20 treats you well.
I love you so very much
Victoria B.
HAPPY BDAY!!!!!!!!!! wishing you all the best for your 20th and
everything you're wishing for💗💗💗💗 can't wait to catch up at our
annual reunion🥺 see u soon, have an amazing bday!!!
love u
Joyeux anniversaire ma favorite baddie! Merci d'ensoleiller mes
journées au travail et d'être une personne si exceptionnelle
-your boss Klo
happy birthday julia!!!!i hope you know that i have so so much love
for you and i always will. you are part of so many of my core
memories and i wouldn't trade anything for the little talks we had
lying on the armchairs in your backyard or sitting on the swing sets
at the park before our dance classes. i can't wait to celebrate you
today and i hope being 20 gives you everything you want and more!!
i've missed you so much❤️
love, christie
happy birthday julia! i miss you very much and i can't wait to see you
again, you're one of my fav cousins!! hope you have a really good day
Happy birthday Julia!! Im so happy I got to know you, youre an amazing
person and I hope you have the best birthday!❤️
Happiest of birthdays to you Julia babeeee💘💘 my AE buddy since the first
day at the interview!! I miss working with you and seeing you on a daily basis.
You are so kind, funny and caring, always making everyone around you feel welcomed
and loved🥰 I hope this new year will be filled with adventures and fun timessss,
you deserve it✨
Bisous, Sarah 🫶🫶
Happy Birthday Julia! The big 2-0! Hope you had a great birthday and have a year full of
success, health and happiness! 🎉🍻
Happy Birthday Julia. Hope you have an awesome birthday. Don't party too hard 😉🍾❤️
Happy birthday jujurose 2002
Happy birthday Julia!!! It's been a long and fun ride from the Quebec trip
to now. I look forward to future when we can look back at all the memories
we made and reminisce about all the great pool parties you threw.
Happy Birthday Timothy❤️
The last few years of our teens were the best of my life,
and I cannot wait to see what the TWENTIES have in store!
Happy 20th Beautiful🎉
I love you, forever and always
I regret to inform you that your teenage years have expired. HAPPY
I actually can't believe we only met until this year (what the heck
was I doing without you in my life??). We got so close right away and
have made some of the best memories together. I CAN'T WAIT to make so
many more. I hope you have the greatest day and kick off the start of
your new decade in the bestest way!❤️
Here's to another year, scratch that, LIFETIME of laughing together,
getting drunk together, partying together, messing up together, and
making it together!🤩 Lol that last part was cheesy.
I'm so glad you were born🫶🏻 HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
TIA ❤️
Happy birthday GERTUDE!!! I wish you all the best, you and my Brotha
are perfect for each other I'm glad someone as fantastic as you has
found yourself in his life I'm really happy to have met you and I'm
grateful to have been your ULTIMATE THIRD WHEEL!!!! for whatever
time I was hehehe, but from now on it's double dates!!! Hope you
have a great bday and party hard🥳😁
Love, Pickwel
Sabrina MD
Happy birthday Julia! I love you so much! You're the best peeing
partner a girl could ask for! Have an amazing day❤️ lots of love
Sabrina D.
Happy birthday Julia!! Hope all your birthday wishes come true, can't wait to celebrate xoxo!! 🥳🥳🥳
Happy birthday Julia!! You are the sweetest and you deserve an amazing year filled with happiness
and success! Love youuu❤️
Happy birthday Julia!!!!
Wishing you a year filled with love, health and happiness❤️
Happy birthday Julia!!!! I miss you so much and can't wait to see you
again and give you a hug. Hope life treats you well!!!
Julia, thanks for being my favourite niece, and for setting such an incredible
example for my girls on how to be smart, sensitive, funny, and beautiful.
Happy Birthday love Christine
Happy birthday Ju!!!! I hope Nala gives you all the cuddles today🥰 Have
the best day ever!! I love you so much ❤️❤️
Happy birthday Julia!!! You're 20 ahhhhh!! I hope you have a great birthday!!
Drink up, party hard!! You're an amazing person and I'm so happy we are getting
closer!! You're so beautiful inside and out! Have the best birthday! ❤️❤️🥳🥳🥳
Dear Julia, I can't believe it's been so long since we first met in Ms. Coyne's
homeroom sec. 1 class. From 12 years old to now 20, not only have we been around
for many of each other's highest and lowest moments, but we have witnessed each other
grow up. I have no doubt that our friendship will last a lifetime, which is why I hope
you have an amazing birthday!
-Brandon Bhattacharya
Yooo Happy Birthday Juliaa!! Hope you have the best birthday yet and that you enjoy your party!😆 Cheers🍻
Wishing the happiest of birthdays to you, my other half❤️ I am so lucky to have a best
friend like you in my life and by my side wherever we go in our journeys. I will always
be your biggest cheerleader, a shoulder to cry on, someone to bring you back to earth when
you have your moments ( me too! ) and a partner to make crazy memories that we'll tell our kids
one day, when they're old enough obviously!! I love you to bits and pieces, here's to 20 being
the best year yet! 🎉🎉🎉